The flexibility of working from anywhere is the greatest benefit of freelancing compared with other methods of making money online. Freelancing might seem quite difficult to begin for a newbie, but provided with correct steps, freelancing could be initiated and successfully begun with making some money. S tart by selecting a skill or service you can render. The most common domains range from writing, graphics, programming, social media, and digital marketing services. If you are uncertain of your skills, attend an online course in an area and improve on it. Sticking to one or two skills will give you a solid base to operate on and ensure that what you are offering to the client is of the highest quality. Once you have determined your niche, next create your portfolio. Of course, you don’t need to create a thousand examples of your work; just a few good, solid pieces will do the job. A designer might start a simple website or load your work on Behance and Dribbble, for examp...